Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

July 3, 2010--Sundasky Beach and Cookout at Dr. Foster's house!

Sundasky Beach

08.00 AM-03.30 PM

It's time for a picnic!

This weekend we went to Sundasky Beach. It's n
ot too far, we only spent about 25 minutes.

The beach was clean, but unfortunately I didnt swim b
ecause i didnt bring my swim suit hehe ..

Although the sun was very bright, but that's fun!

Cookout at Dr. Foster's house

06.00 PM-08.30 PM

Barbeque party
while listening to American music.

Romantic, warm, and...complete!

Wow, Dr. Foster's house is wonderfull! I love this house.

Let's cookout!

Presentation and performance on several American music styles.

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